Living X(MA)S

From 25/11/2017
Until 25/11/2017
For Christmas 2017 we present Living X(ma)S. A special day, Saturday, November 25, 2017, dedicated to pre-Christmas shopping, with workshops, workshops for children and opportunities for dialogue.
The event, in collaboration with Zu - Zù design, continues the tradition of partnerships with illustrators for children and beyond. The workshop for adults and children, this year, will have as background a particular tradition of Milan, with the creation of the Biagina: a custom box, to store a piece of panettone of Christmas Day until February 3, as the tradition of San Biagio*.
A part of the proceeds of the day's sales will be donated to OAfrica, an association that carries out projects in Ghana to enable orphans and children abandoned or at risk of abandonment, to grow up in the family and develop their potential to become independent adults. Living X(ma)S will be the occasion to taste the beer of the Birrificio Meneghino and to taste the classic panettone offered, for the occasion, by the historic Pasticceria Cucchi in Corso Genova, 1.
*The Milanese tradition of eating, at breakfast with the family, a piece of panettone left over from Christmas (once also blessed on the same day as San Biagio), to protect from the ailments of the throat.